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Archives for August 2018

A man standing on top of a hill holding something.

What Five Minutes of Silence Can Do for Your Brain

The benefits of taking time out of the day to focus on well-being and lowering stress levels. In a past article, journalist Andrea Chalupa suggested everyone make a plan to take out 24 hours in solitude. She quotes her father, Dr….

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A quote about loneliness and the golden gateway.

How Loneliness Helps Us Heal

This brief animation explains how the places we feel least at home often provide us with the ability to feel most like ourselves. When we envision where it is we feel most at home, it is often in the company…

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A cloud shaped like lungs on a blue background.

Your Breath is Your Brain’s Remote Control

A new study has found evidence to show that there is actually a direct link between nasal breathing and our cognitive functions. We have all heard this simple saying during times of trouble: “Take a deep breath in.†Science being…

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